The famous reality television show ‘Living On the Edge‘ which is produced and hosted by Waqar Zaka. This show is all about dares, social drama and self-resistance. It’s one of the most popular reality show in Pakistan, and probably it is the most viewed program on Ary Musik channel. The auditions are going on and they will select 12 people, and the selected people will stay in a place for limited time of period and they will compete each other for the prize money and the title of “SUB SAY HIMMAT WALA / WALI“
As the auditions are going on, the episode which released today was of Lahore auditions. A very interesting in fact most wanted person appeared on the show which according to her is Atif Aslam’s girlfriend. She said thrice on the show that Atif loves her and they’re soon getting married. Her name is Wafa, and she is doing a job at some Operation Theater.
What actually happened? Waqar Asked her, what is special in you? She said that i have something (inside) of me that none other girl can have. Waqar being confused, asked her what is it? She then later said, it’s something on her face that is different from others. Then, Waqar tried to inquire more about it and she finally told, that she is in a relationship with Atif Aslam the superstar. LOL! She then also gave a miss call to Atif, so that he calls her back and she can prove that they both are in a relationship and he even calls back, but yet we don’t know who he is as the show ends when she picks up the call.
Living on the edge
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