Veteran Pakistani actor Sohail Asghar, passes away in Lahore. Sohail Asghar had been ailing for more than 1.5 years and was hospitalised in the past week due to deteriorating condition.
His wife confirmed the TV legend died today at 11:30am in a Lahore hospital where he had been under treatment for the past one week. His funeral will be held in Bahria Town tomorrow after Asr prayers.

Sohail Asghar was a Pakistani TV, Film and Theater actor. After completion his education he joined Radio Pakistan. He worked as Radio Jockey from 1978 to 1988. He introduced in TV drama Raat by a Director at PTV Lahore Nusrat Thakur. He appear in his first movie named ‘Murad’ in 2003. He got award for Outstanding Performance at The 1st Indus Drama Awards for this film. He got best actor award for the year 2002 at 12th PTV Awards show organized to mark 40 years of Pakistan Television. He was famously known for his roles in Khafa Khafa Zindagi (2018), Teri Meri Love Story (2016), Aap Ki Kaneez (2014), Aashti (2009) and more.

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