Gautam Gambhir, 29, is an ace Indian cricket batsman who will be tying the knot with New-Delhi based Natasha Jain by November. The wedding is said to be strictly arranged where Gautam’s family introduced him to the 27 year old Jain earlier this year

Gautam wanted the wedding to be as simple as possible but since he is a big fan of Rahat Fateh Ali Khan, he wanted him to perform at his wedding. Unfortunately, because of the visa issues, Rahat’s presence will be unlikely told a friend of Gautam to the media.

Gambhir’s friend further added  “so we may approach Atif Aslam as he is a big fan of his, too.

As Atif has previously performed at a few weddings, this actually may materialize but he hasn’t confirmed it yet. This will of course be a high-profile wedding with entire Indian cricket team and celebrities like Atif Aslam and Rahat Fateh Ali Khan invited.

[Via HindustanTimes, Props to Harshad for sending this in]

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