VJ Natasha Saleem – Interview by Arsal A. Jafri
PMR. How Can You Define Yourself? Any special nickname you got to share with us?
Natasha: Im very very passionate about my family, my friends and my work.. its a huge part of who i am. I am very independent though and need a few hours in the day to myself.. im told by my friends that sometimes im too soft and love too easily but i believe that to be one of my strengths.. im also the girl who will spontaneously start dancing if that sort of a song is on and am always trying to grow as a person and to always be content 🙂
Nicknames tau bohat hain specially if u go check out my fanpage on facebook you will see everyone calls me everything from Tashy to tash, tasha, tashu, nats etc!
PMR. What Does a life means to you?
Natasha: Stay hungry, stay foolish! never let ur intellectual appetite be satisfied and never think you already know everything and lastly, love with an open heart with no fear of getting hurt!
PMR. Which is more interesting work , Being a RJ or VJ?
Natasha: Well theyre both a part of my past now, but from my experience, both have their plus points.. as an RJ i could go to work in my pajamas and nobody would know haha and as a VJ or i should say a smart VJ, you could often be privy to getting info outta all your stars which no one else has so far. I joined the industry at a time when it was just coming up and maybe thats what factored in the friendship between a VJ and the singers/bands but i believe being a VJ allows you to build one on one relationships with not only the audience but your stars as well and thats something ive seen missing in the newer lot.
PMR. We heard that you are now acting too. If yes, would you like to share us your work with us?
Natasha: I am currently acting in three dramas with some very big names in the acting world like aisha khan, aamina sheikh, mohib mirza, imran abbas, behroz sabzwari to name a few and with wonderful directors and very professional production houses so im enjoying that A LOT! two of those dramas are soaps so youll see the episodes four times a week.. its different from hosting but im enjoying it A LOT and learning a lot too! I am also hosting my own talk show on tv one called ‘Meri Dunya’ which is Live every mon-wed-thursday @ 5 pm and another talk show on express news (you guys are the first ive broken this news to!) which will be Live on Fridays @ 7 pm!
PMR. Any Plans of singing or modelling?
Natasha: Singing absolutely NOT! they say you should never say never but i highly doubt it.. Modeling i doubt if ill be a ‘model’ but I have done photo shoots for magazines and designers and enjoyed it so why not!
PMR. Tell us from the very start how did you get into the VJ profession? What was your feeling when you faced the camera for the very first time?
Natasha: I went along with a friend to support her as she wanted to audition and while i was there they asked me to try out as well. I was back from college in Canada cause it was too expensive and I thought it would be a great way to try and save some money and maybe even go back. I tried out, they loved me and seven years later here i am, giving this interview 🙂
The camera is my best friend! its every viewer whose tuned in and thats the way ive always seen it.. ive never gotten nervous in front of the camera not even the first time i hosted BUT the first time i ever hosted a concert was a whole other deal i had crazy butterflies in my tummy- in fact i still get them before i get up on stage!
PMR. You opted for this field, Why you opted for this and how did your parents react to this? Is your family all excited about you?
Natasha: Well, like i said, i thought i could pay my way through school and though i never went back to Canada i did manage to pay for my college and now hold a degree which is a Bsc in Economics and management from London School of Economics external program. My parents are very very VERY supportive, in fact my whole family is proud of the work i do and i love them for it!
PMR. Tell us about your first music show? how was your feeling, Were you nervous?
Natasha: It was an eid show, a one of, and i think we had a night of music around a bonfire.. nervous, no but definitely excited, so much so in fact that i called Gumby “Gumsy” and that day on it became my nick name for him 🙂
PMR. Tell us about one of your most unforgettable VJing experience
Natasha: There have been far too many to recall- Bryan Adams, the only tv interview that he gave was to me.. Ali Azmat breaking down my set cause i told him i did not like it and they wouldnt change it haha hes such a rock star cause the next day they changed it.. My set catching on fire cause a light burst.. 8000 fans screaming my name at a concert in Lahore even while our bands performed that last one for me, was unforgettable!
PMR. Tell us about your ambitions,interests,hobbies and inspirations?
Natasha: Im extremely ambitious and very very independent. I dont have too much time left for myself since i started hosting and acting and stopped VJ-ing but in the time i do manage to snatch away i read.. i LOVE reading! and working out is high on my list since keeping healthy is important too!
PMR. Whats your thought on current scene of Media of Pakistan especially the Music field? How do you see it in next 5 years?
Natasha: Its a sad situation. I feel for all our artists who are struggling to get their name recognized or even for those who are the biggest names. First of all its disappointing to see all these music channels playing an influx of indian music since it brings in the ratings and barely any pakistani music.. even if its 70% indian and 30% pakistani its not the way its supposed to be! and the responsibility also lies with the public who call in for indian songs more than for their own artists. Secondly every artist is upset at the labels.. its a sticky topic but its time to face the truth just look at how many new videos have been released this year compared to 5 years ago. Youve asked a very broad question and I have a lot to say about that but to make it short, i will say the sooner they start making and investing in their own stars the sooner we can filter out the unnecessary stuff on tv and really go to the next level.
PMR. Who is that lucky musician you’d like to dine with?
Natasha: How do you know I havent had that dinner already 😉
PMR. Whom do you consider the best Male VJ and the best Female VJ, that you deserve are worth an award?
Natasha: Theres a lot of great talent out there im sure every one of them deserves an award.
PMR. The one thing you would advice aspiring VJs?
Natasha: Its an amazing job with great perks but dont forget its also about music, so know your music and always, always be yourself!
PMR. What impression does PMR (www.pakmediarevolution.net) make on you?
Natasha: You guys have been around for a while now and have consistently been doing a good job! I admire your dedication and wish you the best of luck 🙂
PMR: Thanks Natasha For Your Precious Time!!
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Arsal A. Jafri
Read Here : http://www.pakmediarevolution.net/content/pmr-interview-vj-natasha-saleem-loose-control
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