The film tells the story of a poor family struggling to survive against all odds. The children are represented as a symbol of innocence and hope, while the father is seen as a helpless individual with an empty wallet, who is well aware of the harsh realities of life. Together, they strive on to live, but what does fate have in store for them? Where will this state of poverty take them?
Aamir Khan
Eman Suhail
Rameen Faisal
Rahim Nadeem
Omer Bari
Omer bari
Audio Tech Support:
Ehtasham Sohail
Special Thanks:
Anwa Suhail
Henna Safdar
Production Team:
Wardah Qutub Khan
Wali Zia Khan
Syed Jaffar Raza
Rida Sohail
Farrah Ahmed
Executive Producer:
Wardah Qutub Khan
Director of Photography:
Omer Bari
Editor/Post Production:
Omer Bari
Omer Bari