Song Title: Nayee Subha
Vocals: Ali Malik
Guitar: Asim Khan
Bass: Taimur Khan
Directed by Hassaan Ashraf
D.O.P: Khizer Idrees/Mohsin Khawar

Shot on Red One. Compressed because of YOUR slow internet connection.
Mixed and Mastered by Farhad Humayun at Riot Studios. Farhad also features as the drummer on all tracks in Alterego’s first album.
A special thanks to Farhad for all his patience and guidance!
This video could not have been possible without the support of the following:
Nadir Rai, Kamil Saroop Khan, Naveed Sheikh, Imran Khan, Mohsin Khan, Farhan Qasim, Danish Elahi Khan, Umer Altaf, Umay Hussain, Sunnya Saeed Saqib Hussain… and most of all Our parents!

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