Ashmit Patel and Veena Malik’s love story has gone Kaput. The duo that kept the temperature of the reality show, ‘Bigg Boss soaring with their cuddle and romance under quilt is said to be so longer a couple. They were keeping distance for quite sometime and reportedly, Veena Malik left for Pakistan leaving no sign of returning to India soon. Ashmit Patel who always had differences with Veena has also moved on.
The duo managed to remain in the limelight for a short period due to their love and differences. They met on the show, ‘Bigg Boss’, they remained in touch even after the show concluded. Veena Malik not inviting to Ashmit Patel’s birthday by sister and actress Ameesha Patel hit the gossip column. Then Ashmit throwing a big bash to mark Veena’s birthday again strengthen the base again that they are couple.
The couple had a fall out when Ashmit came to know that Veena was planting stories about them in media.