Band: Artigiano
Song: Socho Zara
Band Members: Toqir Tahir , Emaaz Khawaja , Ali Babar , Abbas Qureshi
the band is comprised of three members, who come from altogether a different background of music-“OLOGY” 🙂 Toqir is the lead vocalist in the band while Emaaz and me Ali are the rythm n lead guitarists.
Emaaz had been and still is a student of the renouned Pakistan Guitarist Sajjad Tafu and he is still under his tutelage and learning infinite style of playing leads and rythms that may also include rags and many other eastern and western scales, techniques and patterns of guitar playing styles.
Toqir is the vocalist of the band, very much influenced by JAVED BASHIR previously member of MHB _ MEKAAL HASSAN BAND. Toqir has been learning and still is learning the classical music and all the techniques and drills of rags and various stuff related to the classical music. He is under the tutelage of ASAD SALLAHUDIN who himself is a renowned musician in the classical community of PAKISTAN Music.